Toronto skyline as seen from the harbor
Toronto, located on the shores of Lake Ontario in the Canadian Province of Ontario, is a beautiful city with a skyline dominated by the CN (Canadian National) Tower. The tower claims to be the world's tallest building and free standing structure at 1,815 ft. 5 in. We climbed to the top (mostly by elevator) and viewed the tower and the skyline during our dinner cruise in the harbor.
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While in Toronto, we treated ourselves to a couple of wonderful Broadway musicals - Mamma Mia and The Lion King. Mamma Mia is great fun and The Lion King has spectacular costumes. We recommend them both. To learn more about the productions, click on the images below.
One of the highlights of our tour of Toronto was a visit to Casa Loma. This city landmark took $3.5 million and 300 workers to build between 1911 and 1914. Sir Henry Mill Pellatt, a wealthy investor, built this dream castle but only lived in it for a short time before he fell on hard times. He died virtually broke in 1939. The castle lives on as a tourist attraction. You can visit it online by clicking here.
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Our hotel was a short walk from Queen's Park and the University of Toronto. The University was celebrating its 175th anniversary. It has 60,000 students!
(click on any photo to view a larger image)On the South side of Queen's Park is the Provincial Capital Building (also called Queen's Park), home of the Ontario Provincial Legislature. A statue of Sir John A. Macdonald, Canada's first Prime Minister stands in front.
After four days in Toronto, we boarded the train headed West. All aboard!
Click here to board a train